Hi there! It's good to see you again! Or is it good to see me?
Well, however you put it, I am glad you are here!
I want to share my salvation testimony with you.
I'm not going to lie… I'm a bit nervous to share this part of my life. I am aware that the topic of religion is a very sensitive topic for a lot of people.
However, in the spirit of transparency, I feel compelled to openly share. Why “now” is the time, I have no idea, but I have been feeling it on my heart lately that publishing my story may be “for such a time as this”.
We live in a world of people that love to hide the parts of themselves that are less than perfect, and we hold other people to such high standards that in today’s age it’s rare for us to expose ourselves so vulnerably, but today I’m going to do just that. I’m going to confess to you the darker elements of my past, so that you have a clearer idea of just how and why I grew into the woman I am today. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not in any way perfect, nor do I have it all together, but I’ve journeyed quite a way so far, and want to share how I have learned to look for love and light, rather than dwell in a dark place (in both heart, mind, and out in the real world)
Being a Christian is a very important part of my life. If you are curious as to what my spiritual journey looks like, keep reading!
So here we go, are you ready?
How I Became a Christian
Now, many persons I know have been a Christian since their eyes were at their knees (Jamaican phrase) However, for me that was not the case. I have been a Christian for less than 10 years.
Approximately, since the age of 8/9, I have always encountered things I can't explain. They range from dreams and even physical experiences. However, lack of knowledge (etc....)
I went to church religiously as a young girl, just because I was told to. Church was not far away from me either so I had no other choice but to go. I got comfortable just being a "church goer".
As I got older, I went to church less and less. Just because I was growing up and now I could choose what I wanted to do.
I started to act very grown, doing grown people things. But somewhere along the line I was just so empty, sad, depressed. I started to realize that nothing could satisfy me. I was just like an empty body walking up and down.
Also, around this time I was receiving inspiration from God and didn't even know it.
Over the years, I was distracted from myself. Those years, were not pleasant. I’m so very thankful for the wonderful opportunities, the roof over my head, and the lessons that shaped me, but emotionally it was like living in a constant hurricane. With raging hormones and a desire to feel loved was not cutting it out for me at all.
The attention and love I couldn’t find at home, was found in friends, and boys. My group of friends at secondary school were absolutely amazing, but my lack of understanding of myself and my focus on boys was just a bit messy. All teenage girls want to have a boyfriend but I was desperate for attention. I’d never had it, or if I did, it was negative, or never for long, but it didn’t matter, I wanted it, and I would try really hard to win approval.
This person that I had grown into didn’t feel like it aligned with what the younger me had wanted for her adult self at all.
Until grace found me!
I remember the very moment I made up in my mind that I wanted Jesus in my life.
I was sitting in class staring out of space and I felt this comfort in my heart. I took that as my confirmation that yes, It was time that I gave my life to Jesus.
At the time I was already attending a church every now and then with my parents. I went to the Pastor and requested my baptism. I had it about 4 months after.
After that I saw where God was showing up more in my life. I bless God for the persons who were in my life at the initial stage.
Mentioning their Initials such as ( E.L.C, N.A, S.A, L.F, J.P, A.P, K.W, S.B, C.P) to name a few.
Even all those difficult situations helped me to trust God more and more.
Thanks be to God, I am no longer a slave to my past, my shame or regrets, I am a new creation and I am thankful every single day that I was never forgotten. That I was loved back into loving myself, just by loving God. All that turmoil I lived through, has such a simple solution.
I hope you too get to experience this kind of love in your life. And if you have, I am happy that you did and I pray your strength!
Please pray with me
Heavenly Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We praise you, for you are God and there is no other like you. We thank you for sending Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins oh Lord, that those who believe in Him, by faith, are forgiven and promised a place in heaven forever. What grace and love, what amazing grace! We ask Lord that you will forgive us of our sins. We confess Jesus is Lord and we believe He was raised from the dead. Help us to walk in the newness of life He has won for us. Help us to seek you, Oh God, in Bible reading, in prayer, fasting, in worshipping you and by gathering with other Christians. Help us to experience the fullness of your indwelling Holy Spirit, sent to live in the hearts of all who believe. Help us to be overflowed with the joy of our salvation and shine with your truth, grace and love for all to see! Thank you Lord for hearing and answering, In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
How did you become a Christian? What’s your miracle story?