By the title above, you may be wondering what took 7 years right? Well, stick with me while I tell you of a particular journey.
Rewind to the year of 2013, where I graduated from high school, It was such an exciting time. I couldn't wait to leave high school... because, why not??
I then applied to the Northern Caribbean University, only to hear that I was too young so I should apply the following year.
So I did. But what did I do within that year? Well, I went to get more subjects in CXC. That year wasn't so exciting but I pulled through.
Coming to the fall of that year 2014, I then went back and re-applied to the university where I got accepted.
So did it click yet?? If not, let me help you.
It took me 7 years to complete university.
The journey began when I was applying, to choose a particular area of study. I chose Social Work. My interest in it wasn't in previous thoughts but I overtime got to love it. It was either that or Nursing, and at that time I wasn't brave enough to move on my own to start the initial stage of nursing school. So, the path of Social work became my focus. I started to attend the extension campus in Kingston.
The school fee was beyond me honestly. Lol, I haven't stumbled upon figures like 394k a year in those times in all my life. They were absurd! I eventually got to understand that it was the way of university life.
Anyways, my first year was kinda bumpy. I didn't really know anyone. But i eventually met some persons who made the journey a bit more bearable.
As the years went by, things weren't better at all. I wanted to stop for a few months due to insuffiecient funds. But i still went on if I only could do 2 courses each semester. I went like that for about 2 to 3 years. It was such a devastating time for me.
I ventured into creating some small businesses, however it was really hard due to funding, proper time management, having classes was hard enough and to have them in a different parish that I had to travel at least 2.5 hours daily. So that was that.
I started school in 2014 with this girl in particular, I'll call her Moya right here. We had classes together very frequently, we eventually started to hang out and do stuff together. We were really close and she was the best friend any one could have.
"Moya, Big up yuhself! Love you loads!"
When the year 2018 came, she graduated because it was a 4 year course. I felt so left behind at that time. So i deceided to take things into my own hands and I applied for student loan. I eventually got it and I moved to mandeville (main campus) the following year.
I hope i didn't lose you.
So we are now in the year 2019.
I went heads on with this new journey. Moving to a new parish, new school ( somewhat ). I knew a few persons but they weren't there all the time. I had to find my way.
I started to get involved with different activities, ones that I didn't have a chance to do before because the other campus was a part time campus.
This year was also the year of something special. (You will hear about that in another post) 😁
In this new environment i passed some courses that I did not even think I was any good at. But by the grace of God. I made it through them and more. I was even the more surprised when I was called by my lecturer to be a tutor for Statistics 😅 I was like me???? Anyways I completed what should have been a 4 years course in 7 years.
I won't lie, the journey was really rough. Sleepless nights, the tears, the unsupportive group members.. Yes the whole works. But I had an aim to finish and that is what I did. Even though it took me some long years, I made it through.
So if you're reading this, please be encouraged that it only lasts a while. Looking back I am happy for those 7 years. I learned and I used what I learned to my advantage. I believe that you can too.
Your long years may not be in school, It may be in a job, in your health, in your financial situation, whatever it is. Keep pushing! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel and a rainbow after the rain!
See you in the next post✌️
Ha! Ahye sa! This one I know tooo well but GOD remains faithful... Thanks for this post
I appreciate this post very much. Often times we batter ourselves due to setbacks that we face, most times feeling that we are failures and there is no hope.
Thank you for your journey. It is an inspiring one and I pray I can take my time to see the light soon as I'm a survivor of a recent sexual abuse. As you said it may take years but the light will be evident at the end. Thank you and continue doing what you love
Thank you for sharing. As a student at the same institution I know the struggles! But you made it and I'm happy you chose to share.